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BackAt Oxclose Primary Academy, we believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to develop computing skills whilst deepening their understanding of modern day technologies they encounter.
Across their time in primary school, we want pupils to have the opportunity to learn about the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and be able to use this knowledge through programming and become digitally literate to enable them to become active participants in the digital world they live in.
Alongside this, we believe that pupils should be provided with the skills they need to be able to use a range of technologies in an effective and safe manner. Online safety should be a fundamental aspect of computing, to enable children to develop their own resilience and make positive choices to support their own mental well-being.
We believe that by allowing our pupils to gain these skills and deepen their knowledge it will help them throughout the rest of their lives.
Computing is a core subject within school and the Computing Long Term Plan follows the National Curriculum. The Long Term Plan incorporates the Rising Stars ‘Switched on Computing’ scheme, which has been adapted to ensure it is bespoke for our pupils and is used in conjunction with a Basic Skills Long Term Plan, which builds on the key computing skills children need to achieve the objectives set out in the National Curriculum.
Computing is taught each term in all year groups and sessions last between 55 minutes and 1 hour. Some year groups have three units to cover across the year, split into one per term, whereas the other groups have four units, to ensure all objectives are covered.
For each unit of work, an end of unit expectation has been identified. Where possible this has been linked to one of the core or driver subjects.
Within each class there will be a poster displaying the current unit. This includes key vocabulary and a list of objectives which the pupils will achieve by the end of the unit. Also, in each classroom there is a poster containing the SMART rules.
Pupils will save work in their own folder on the school network. This should include build up work and the end of unit expectation.
Assessment will take place across lessons, at the end of each unit and across the school year. Pupils will be expected to be able to use key skills taught throughout the unit in the end of unit expectation and in future units.
Pupils will be able to confidently discuss, and demonstrate all aspects of the computing curriculum that they have been covering and will show appropriate key computing skills. They will have knowledge of creating and debugging programs, the use of variables, inputs and outputs, logical reasoning, computer networks, search technologies, selecting and using
software and using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Pupils will be able to retain the knowledge, even after the unit they have been covering. End of unit tasks will demonstrate the pupils’ learning. To enable us to measure the impact, the subject manager and senior leaders will use lesson visits, work scrutinies and pupil voice activities across the year.
Digital Leaders
What is a digital leader?
Digital leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school. Being a digital leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.
At Oxclose Primary Academy, digital leaders will be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring the computer room is always tidy and being looked after during lessons
- Helping to promote online safety
- Giving ideas for online safety celebrations (SID and anti-bullying week)
- Being a voice for advances in technology and online trends
- Share their expertise with their peers and teachers
- Help to create displays for Computing
- Test and review new Computing resources
We have 2 digital leaders from each class in KS2. So far, we have had an introduction on what a Digital Leader is, we have looked at career aspirations within STEM and all about Computational Thinking.
Internet Safety
Internet Safety is a huge part of our young people’s life, children are exploring technology from a very young age and need to be educated on how to create their own ‘toolbox’ to ensure they stay safe when using a wide range of technology to access the internet. Throughout the year, children in all year groups will benefit from internet safety lessons. These will be planned to ensure they cover a wide range of issues relevant to each year group. There may be additional internet safety lessons taught across the year if needed because of something in the media or school environment. As a school we also celebrate Safer Internet Day each year following the official theme.
Basic Skills
In addition to our computing scheme Rising Stars ‘Switched on Computing’, children will also be taught fundamental skills in graphics, formatting, researching, databases and more. These skills are highly transferable and allow all pupils to be able to access technology and understand it better to use it across the whole curriculum.
Cross Curricular Links
At Oxclose Primary Academy, we are very lucky to benefit from a range of technology. Within the school there is a fully functioning computing suite that is timetabled for children to use at least once a week in their computing sessions however this can also be booked out for other lessons. In addition to the fabulous computer suite, we have a class set of laptops and half a class set of iPads which can be used within classrooms across the curriculum. Alongside this, some classrooms have computers available for children to use throughout the day to supplement their lessons. Each class can book the technology to use across the whole curriculum showcasing a range of word processing, publishing, and researching skills. In Early Years, children are introduced to the world of technology through Bee-Bots, cameras and tablets which are filtered throughout the Early Years curriculum in preparation for KS1.
Within school, children are exposed to a range of aspirational individuals who specialise in science, technology, economics and mathematics (STEM). Through a broad and balanced computing curriculum children are encouraged to flourish in this subject regardless of any stereotypes or circumstances. In addition, from time to time after school clubs will run to support passions for technology. One being Lego Club
‘The First Lego League’ which, in the past, has seen Oxclose Primary Academy win the ‘best project award’.
Lego Competition
10 of our Year 6 children were given the opportunity to participate in ‘The First Lego League’. This is a world-wide competition, with the finals being held in America this year. The local finals were held at Nissan, with schools from all over the North-East participating over 3 days. Children from the ages of 9-16 were able to take part.
On the competition day, the children had to compete in 3 ‘Robot games’, where the robot they had built had to complete as many challenges as possible in two and a half minutes. They also had to prepare a presentation, where they had to consider issues which astronauts face in space, and develop a solution to the problem. Our children designed ‘The Bath Bag’ – an efficient way for astronauts to take a bath whilst in space. The children also had to speak to the judges about their robot design and complete a ‘Core Standard’ challenge, where they needed to work as a team.
Our children were outstanding on the day and despite facing a number of difficulties they held their heads high and showed resilience. At the awards ceremony at the end of the day, we were all gobsmacked when Oxclose Primary Academy won ‘the best project award’. Well done to all involved!