Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP)
Welcome to our Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) page.
Below we hope to give you an overview of the offer in place for our ARP pupils. The link below takes you to the Local Authority ARP criteria, if you would like to discuss the criteria or the offer in place, please contact the school (0191 5008790 or to arrange a call/meeting with our SENDCo - Mrs Angela Butler.
Oxclose Primary Academy ARP Criteria
The Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) is for pupils with physical and/or medical needs. Physical and/or medical must be their primary need on their EHCP. Due to the nature of the physical/medical needs, there will be secondary needs which are usually based around Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction and/or SEMH needs. With regards to their secondary needs, pupils should be able to access an appropriately differentiated curriculum based on their year group.
The ARP pupils are fully integrated into the mainstream classrooms and access an appropriately differentiated curriculum to support their physical/medical and associated secondary needs. There are some ARP pupils who require access to a more specific differentiated curriculum; these pupils access a bespoke continuous provision environment.
Examples of the interventions and provisions we have in place
Our ARP pupils have access to a number of interventions to support with their physical/medical needs and associated secondary needs. We have a keen focus on Preparation for Adulthood (TfC PFA Document areas are referenced in the focus section below) to ensure the ARP pupils are ready for the next steps in their learning journey, whilst also developing life skills from an early age, which will be built upon during their time in our school. See below for an overview of these additional interventions/provisions that are in place - Boccia, Communication Group, Life Skills and Multi-Sports (Foundation of Light)
- Code of Practice Link - Physical/Medical and SEMH
- Focus – Independence, Community Participation and Health
- Sessions support pupils in developing teamwork, participating in sporting activities without limitations and supporting emotional well-being.
Communication Group
- Code of Practice Link – Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning and SEMH
- Focus – Community Participation, Communication and Education
- Sessions have a focus on communication focus, this includes supporting pupils who use a Total Communication Approach so rely on different forms of communication such as the use of Makaton, verbalisations and gesturing. During the sessions, there is also a focus on memory and recall activities. A key aim of the sessions is to build the pupils confidence in communicating.
Life Skills
- Code of Practice Link – Physical/Medical, Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning and SEMH
- Focus – Independence, Community Participation, Communication, Education/Employment and Health
- Sessions have a focus on developing life skills to support pupils in developing an appropriate level of independence, both now and in the future.
- Sessions may focus on:
- Experiential learning - food preparation, using local transport, preparing shopping lists and visiting shops and speaking to visitors about careers.
- Health and well-being – changes to the body, cleanliness, hygiene, personal care, healthy eating.
- Social Interaction – friendships, sharing and turn-taking, appropriate social interactions, boundaries, emotions and feelings.
Multi-Sports (Foundation of Light)
- Code of Practice Link – Physical/Medical and SEMH
- Focus – Independence, Community Participation and Health
- Sessions support pupils in developing teamwork, participating in sporting activities without limitations and supporting emotional well-being. There are opportunities to participate in a variety of sports, games and activities which are fully differentiated to support pupils physical/medical needs ensuring they are fully accessible.
Our Boccia Club takes place each week on a lunchtime. Our pupils have been working on developing their throwing technique and are becoming much more confident in hitting the targets with the balls.
Communication Group
Sessions have a focus on communication focus, this includes supporting pupils who use a Total Communication Approach so rely on different forms of communication such as the use of Makaton, verbalisations and gesturing. During the sessions, there is also a focus on memory and recall activities. A key aim of the sessions is to build the pupils confidence in communicating.
All pupils in the school know some Makaton and we include the signs within songs for whole school services.
Life Skills
Sessions have a focus on developing life skills to support pupils in developing an appropriate level of independence, both now and in the future. Sessions may focus on:
Experiential learning - food preparation, using local transport, preparing shopping lists and visiting shops and speaking to visitors about careers.
Health and well-being – changes to the body, cleanliness, hygiene, personal care, healthy eating.
Social Interaction – friendships, sharing and turn-taking, appropriate social interactions, boundaries, emotions and feelings.
Multi-Sports (Foundation of Light)
Sessions support pupils in developing teamwork, participating in sporting activities without limitations and supporting emotional well-being. There are opportunities to participate in a variety of sports, games and activities which are fully differentiated to support pupils physical/medical needs ensuring they are fully accessible.
Wheelchair Accessible Swing
The pupils love our wheelchair accessible swing, they have a great time and don't stop smiling.
Light/Sensory Room
Continuous Provision
Some of our pupils benefit from accessing an adapted curriculum within our Rainbow Room, which is set up as a play based learning environment.