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BackAt Oxclose Primary Academy we believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to explore a varied range of musical genres and musical instruments.
During their time here, it’s our aim for pupils in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to have opportunities to explore sound, learn about beat and rhythm, explore changes in tempo and pitch and be able to perform in some way with confidence and control throughout our ambitious and rich music curriculum.
We believe that by allowing our pupils to develop their musical knowledge and ability through a balanced curriculum we are able to foster creativity and encourage them to develop skills in all aspects of their learning.
At Oxclose, we follow the Charanga music scheme. We have selected this resource as it closely follows the National Curriculum and ensures our pupils receive access to all elements of music. Teachers follow weekly lesson guidance and resources which build on previous learning of following the beat, listening to pitch and volume and appraising and evaluating.
Our youngest pupils start enjoying music as soon as they join our Reception class and begin joining in with music and movement as part of their every-day routine. We provide regular opportunities for our pupils to listen to music throughout the day and they are supported in learning how to find the beat and follow the pulse through movement, singing and the use of instruments.
As our pupils move through school, they learn a range of songs, both popular and traditional from a wide range of genres whether this be for performance or just enjoyment. Our weekly timetables ensure every class has a music lesson, and children are taught how to understand how music is constructed using notes, scales, chords and keys.
Wider Opportunities
Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are invited to take part in specific skill based learning with our peripatetic teachers during violin and drum sessions. During this time, they spend time in smaller groups and learn how to read music, follow direction and create their own musical pieces!
Throughout the year, we enjoy performing for visitors and sing in whole class choirs for our Harvest, Easter and Christmas festivals. This is a time we thoroughly enjoy as a school and we know from feedback, parents and carers enjoy it too!
At Oxclose Primary Academy we believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to explore a varied range of musical genres and musical instruments.
During their time here, it’s our aim for pupils in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to have opportunities to explore sound, learn about beat and rhythm, explore changes in tempo and pitch and be able to perform in some way with confidence and control throughout our ambitious and rich music curriculum.
We believe that by allowing our pupils to develop their musical knowledge and ability through a balanced curriculum we are able to foster creativity and encourage them to develop skills in all aspects of their learning.
Music is one of our enhancer subjects within school and we have a Long Term Plan with a focus for each year group. The Long Term Plan is closely matched with the Charanga scheme of work and the National Curriculum. Charanga follows a structured pattern of lessons for each year group, ensuring all children have the opportunity to access a range of genres, skills and instruments during their allocated music time. Units of work are progressive and build on prior learning in each year group.
As well as weekly music lessons, peripatetic teachers visit school to deliver bespoke violin and drum lessons to pupils from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This enhances our curriculum and allows children with an interest in performance to access further learning. In EYFS, local musicians Tiny Tweeties visit the class regularly to provide opportunities for our younger pupils to join in with rhymes, songs and performance.
Pupils in Year 3 and Year 5 learn how to read music and play an instrument across the year. Year 3 learn how to play the ocarina and these skills develop further, in Year 5, as pupils learn to play the recorder which ensures they have opportunities to build on prior knowledge.
The whole school takes part in festivals at our local church such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter; this allows our pupils to engage in whole school activity and encourages choral singing. Every year group has opportunities to perform and share music, listen and appraise and improvise. Singing is a highly valued aspect of our music curriculum and our pupils are taught to sing with increased accuracy, control, fluency and expression as they progress through school.
Assessment takes place across lessons, at the end of each topic and across the school year. Teachers use this assessment to inform their planning for future learning and identify those pupils that may need extra support, likewise, those pupils that may show a particular strength in some aspects of music.
Pupils will be able to confidently explore all aspects of the musical curriculum and develop their skills of performance across their time here. They will have experience of reading music, knowledge of the beat and rhythm and have an understanding of control.
To enable us to measure the impact, the subject manager and senior leaders will use lesson visits and pupil voice activities across the year.